Saturday, 28 February 2015

Family uniform

Yey or Nay to matching outfits? 

We have all seen the classic portraits where the whole family is in matching outfits. But why?! 

Is it just easier that way? 

Does it look good for photos?

Does it save the age old "I want to wear what they’ve got on” argument?

Or maybe it's more for the mums than the kids? I don't know! 

In my (right or wrong) opinion i wouldn’t match my kids. I personally like the children to have their own outfits, to express themselves. 

Still, I know people who wont buy an outfit they liked, because the shop hasn’t got two sets.

What is your opinion on the matter of matching? 

Rebecca Kiff

Oh my goodness. This women has amazing talent. Rebecca's prints are to die for! Rebecca is based in the UK, and designs all the prints herself. wow! check out her website

I find it so hard to find prints, I like, especially for babies bedding. They are always really bright (and in my opinion) tacky looking. These simple yet sophisticated prints are perfect.

Then. You have this beauty! Can you believe these prints are hand drawn?! It may be a little daring for some, but I love it.

@rebeccakiff #rebeccakiff #kids #fashion #love #panda

Monday, 23 February 2015

Boys In Tights

Boys in Tights

I do love a baby boy in tights. What is there not to love? Their scrummy, yummy thighs in soft, cosy and warm tights. When I put Henny in tights 9 out of 10 of the time, I will get a comment about, why is your boy in tights? Are you sure they’re not girls tights? Where did you find them?

So my question is. What do you think? Would you put your boy in tights?

If you do love a boy in tights. Here is a link to H&M.

If you order online using code; 2938. You get 10% plus free delivery.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Fine Little day

have been a big fan of Fine Little day for a while now. The prints are amazing and unique. They have so many funky products to chose from. Ranging from prints, wallpaper, textiles, gifts and more. I love every single one of them. The best bit is, its not just for kids. Adults to. 

Elisabeth Dunker is the founder of Fine Little Day, she is based in Sweden. Check out her website and enjoy the eye candy.

#finelittleday #blackandwhite #kids #fashion #living #sweden 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

And So it Begins..

Hello, I’m a Stay at Home (SAH) mother of two. One energetic, boisterous, stubborn, lovable girl. Another, chilled out (so far) happy, smiley boy. I have been married to my loving, creative husband since 2008. He works in the world of T.V. advertising in London. This is my first ever blog, it will be focused on kids clothing and accessories.  

So here it goes... 

Henny and Rose

The 20 week scan comes around in your pregnancy, that exciting yet nervous time. The time you find out if everything is okay with your baby and if it's going to be a boy or girl. On this occasion, our 3 year old daughter will be having a baby brother. Which is a good thing, as from day one, she said it was going to be a boy called Henry, not quite what we called him, but near enough.

After previously buying lovely girl clothes (that are easily accessible). The thought of buying boys clothes made me cringe. Personally, I think it’s so hard to find boy clothes that I like. Call me picky, pedantic. That's just my taste. I don’t like the majority. So, this is the reason I wanted to start a blog - To discover and share with other mummy’s, daddies and carers where to get clothes that might be to their taste, styles not easily found on the “high street”.

With this blog, I will be adding pictures and links to websites that I personally love. This will include clothes, accessories and more. I Hope you like it...

This is me. 

#baby #boy #girl #kids #fashion #newbegginings #blogger